Supported Self Help

Supported Self Help for Mental Wellbeing, Long-term conditions, Health Anxiety and Ongoing symptoms

Many people's sense of identity and self-worth may intertwine with their mental wellbeing and health condition, leaving people struggling with feelings of inadequacy, especially if their condition affects their ability to work, pursue hobbies, or maintain relationships. This loss of identity and self-esteem can further contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, making it challenging to maintain a positive outlook on life.

These symptoms can sometimes restrict a person's ability to participate in social activities or maintain relationships, leading to isolation and loneliness. The inability to engage in activities once enjoyed can result in feelings of loneliness. Recognising the emotional and psychological challenges faced by individuals living with such problems is essential. I aim to provide support and resources to empower individuals to live fulfilling and meaningful lives despite their challenges.<br>

Supported self-help is a structured approach where you are empowered to address your mental health challenges with guidance. Different topics will be discussed each month. 

A cheap monthly fee which can be cancelled at any time.

Member's choices will be used to explore monthly topics so that information and skills can cover what matters to you.

Mindfulness activities and meditations.